Honka 3×3 Business Basketball

Register your company for Tapiolan Honka’s 3×3 Business Basketball and get ready for a great day of basketball and fun. Honka3x3 Business Basketball will be played at Honkahalli in Espoo on Friday, April 11, 2025.

The tournament is intended for businesses of all sizes and players of all levels. You can participate in either the competitive category or the Fun category. The categories are mixed (men and women together). The competitive category is for teams where most of the players actively play basketball (for example, in the southern region’s divisions). The Fun category is for teams whose players only play occasionally.

Preliminary program

9:00 Welcome words and tactical tips
9:30-11:30 games
approx. 11:30 lunch
12:30-14:30 playoff games + prize ceremony

Price: €500 / team

The tournament day includes at least four matches for 3-6 players per team, a delicious meal with drinks and basketball tips from experienced top players and coaches.

Registration: by 1.3.2025 using the form below:

    Joukkueen tiedot

    Joukkueen yhteyshenkilö / Contact person